The Calvary Temple Nursery is a "Partnership Ministry" of the church. Parents and volunteers work together to provide parents and guardians with an opportunity to worship and learn while knowing their children are enjoying a loving and caring atmosphere. The bright and well-equipped nursery is located on the third floor at the A.H. Argue Building through the overpass from the balcony.
Located on the 3rd floor of the Argue Building, the supervised nursery is available for the 9:15 and 10:45 am Sunday services. The nursery is open to receive children fifteen minutes prior to the service start time. Children aged 0 - 30 months are cared for during the 9:15 and 10:45 am Family Worship Service.
If you have any questions or concerns about the Calvary Temple Nursery, please contact CT@ctwinnipeg.com or call our church office at 204-943-4551.
If you consider Calvary Temple Church your church home and would like to volunteer in the nursery, please fill out our Children and Youth Ministry Application Form or contact Quinn in the church office.